Bernice Steinbaum by Kristina Sorge


Bernice Steinbaum by Kristina Sorge at Lightbox Media starts to tell an amazing story. All I can say is that I am thrilled beyond words they chose my photo to be a part of this program. Great job Kristina Sorge and Lightbox Media.

Bernice Steinbaum is the classiest gallerist Miami may ever see. She is the subject of numerous newspaper and television reports. Never shy to speak her mind this delightful woman has a voice. She speaks out usually against the grain of whatever the subject is but is the kind of woman who makes a difference in the global art community.

As I photographed her that day I felt a schoolgirl quality that came out in her personality and in her pop-o-graph.

Bernice Steinbaum

The image above is not the one chosen for the show.